The Role of Influencer Marketing Technology

Technology has become core to the influencer marketing industry, with 57% of marketers leveraging some form of technology to run their influencer programs in-house, and another 18% letting us know that their influencer marketing agency uses a technology. Only 25% responded no or not aware of the use of technology.


The shift towards the use of technology is unsurprising. Given the movement towards more scaled, long-term influencer programs in the last 12 months, as well as more careful vetting of influencer partners, operating in this industry without a technology can be inefficient or downright impossible.

Working with 200 micro-influencers, mapping out an influencers’ audience, tracking the sentiment around a program, as well as other key metrics are all aspects that would be impossible without technology to support.

Hungry for more? Take a look at the report in its entirety, available here via digital download.