4 ways influencers can inspire your livestreaming content campaign

Video marketing is a successful strategy for capturing audiences and driving conversions. In fact, as much as 87 percent of video marketers reported that video provided a positive return on investment (ROI) in 2020. But video marketing is changing, or at least adapting, like everything else in today’s “new normal.” If you haven’t already heard, livestreaming is where it’s at.

Although livestreaming isn’t actually a brand-new sensation, it became a "thing" in 2010 with the launch of Facebook Live, Twitter’s Periscope, and Twitch. But brands and influencers still found the footage scripted, tame . . . or even controlled. 

Fast-forward to a year after TikTok's 2017 launch, when 80 percent of consumers now preferred livestreaming to a blog or a curated social feed. The popularity of live video content may not be a new phenomenon, but the rapid growth of raw livestreaming content continues to turn heads. TikTok is now the go-to platform for fans that crave connection and authenticity. Influencers are highly adept at creating content that resonates and helps them run the show. Meanwhile, organizations have shifted from scripted content to producing livestream content at scale.

Why the sudden surge of interest in livestreaming content?

In one quick swoop in early 2020, the entire world became isolated and disconnected. Everyone craved a solution to a collective challenge: reanimating the human-to-human connection. Much like real-world connections, livestreaming is genuine, imperfect, and real. It’s a welcome relief during uncertain times when connecting IRL (in real life) isn’t an option.

Influencers are at the center of this shift because they know how to harness the power of livestreaming. Here are the four ways influencers are mastering the art of livestreaming. With these tips, you’ll be on your way to powering up your livestreaming marketing strategy throughout 2021.

1. Master social channel-hopping to reach audiences

Influencers know that live video content enables enhanced social connections during the pandemic. They also know that every single social channel is different. Live video content on TikTok and Twitch won't have the same impact if it’s placed on Facebook or Instagram. Brands need to consider the following social platform nuances in their video content strategy:

  • Facebook is an ideal space for entertaining and shareable content

  • Twitter is great for short-form promotional and entertaining videos

  • YouTube is great for longer DIY-style videos and reviews (food, home, lifestyle) 

  • Instagram focuses on aesthetics, with large followings across fashion and lifestyle

  • TikTok works for younger audiences (41 percent of its audience is in the 16–24 age range)

  • Twitch targets the huge e-sports and gamer community

Example: Raise money for charity 

Twitch is making particularly huge waves in the industry in 2021. Long popular with gamers and for its livestream gameplay, Twitch’s audience reach is starting to expand. Last year, U.S. Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez teamed up with popular streamers and YouTubers. Together they engaged an average of 325,000 viewers over three hours with an Among Us live stream, raising $200,000 for various charities.

Example: Instagram dating show and Bumble

Serena Kerrigan is a great example of the power of livestreaming partnerships. By creating a live dating show on Instagram, Serena caught the attention of brands like Bumble who came forward to sponsor her episodes. Her dating show drove traffic to Bumble and other sponsors, while her audience tuned in to her livestreamed dates. 

Example: Twitch gaming influencer partnership

If you want to partner with a gaming influencer, try using promo codes or a unique URL. Say, for example, you decide to partner with gamers on Twitch — the livestreaming service and leading manufacturer of gaming peripherals and accessories. While influencers use your products during live gameplay on Twitch, they reveal unique promo codes. Viewers engage with your brand by using those codes on your website. 

2. Move ahead of your competition with right-here, right-now accessible content

Influencers have a near clinical understanding of consumer demands, and they use it to create content their fans love.

A top trend this year has been demand for content that feels less manufactured. Raw content created by relatable people is now the sweet spot to capture audiences keen to connect. An influencer endorsement ideally feels like a personal recommendation from a friend.

Another top trend is familiar settings and scenery. WindowSwap, for example, streams real-time views from people’s windows across the world. Holiday Inn ran an outdoor live music campaign to incentivize hotel bookings. Live video content provides brands with tons of benefits, including:

  • Organic and relatable content since there’s no room for post-production or polish

  • Audiences notifications when videos go live, which boosts reach without having to pay to boost content

  • Excitement for those that crave the unknown or the unexpected

  • The more candid scope of live video, which itself is more approachable and authentic

Example: Fitness influencer partnership

Unfiltered and raw content can actually add to the customer experience. A fitness instructor, for example, runs a Q&A along with live shopping for fitness products on your website. As viewers order products live, they’re walked through the full purchase journey. The fitness industry was able to easily capitalize on livestreaming during the pandemic. CMO at Planet Fitness, Jeremy Tucker, recently told USA today:

“Our daily routines have changed in unexpected ways, and we know that people may not be able to get to the gym… That’s why we’re offering a free, daily virtual class for everyone on Planet Fitness’ Facebook page from Monday through Friday.” 

3. Use live video content to increase bang for your buck

Organic videos in any format garner 38 percent more engagement than static photos. That's why brands pay top dollar for scripted video content across Instagram’s IGTV and YouTube. Live video content also is affordable for small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) that may not have access to large production budgets. In fact, sponsored livestream content is the most cost-efficient way to reach your audience today. Even if you have a large budget, the money you save on live video content frees up the budget in other areas — like increasing influencer payouts, securing more lucrative partnerships, or investing in technology.

Software and hardware for livestreaming is also more available and affordable. In the past, content creators had to set up a complex channel to live broadcast. Now every channel offers some form of stream hosting. Another bonus is software that’s not only affordable but often open source (free). With users now streaming content at home or at work on many devices, you can reach them at all times. Of course, that works both ways.

Example: Fashion brand influencer partnership

Virtual influencer stylists offer consumers a safe and fun way to shop without worrying about COVID-19. Consider collaborating with virtual stylist influencers that livestream looks and styles using your products. Watching a stylist choose a product is an added bonus that customers don’t always experience in crowded stores. Not sure how this works? 

4. Increase ROI from other influencer marketing techniques

Influencer marketing ROI is difficult to measure. But livestreaming is one area where you can see real results. It allows you to extract valuable data that will help you craft future campaigns.

In the past five years, live video has transformed to an exciting medium for marketers. By the third quarter of 2015, year-over-year (YoY) ad views had increased 113 percent for live video. In 2016, 81 percent of internet audience members viewed more live content than they had the previous year. In 2021, the livestreaming industry could reach $70.05 billion.

Live video as a channel is unlikely to expire, and its ROI potential continues to rise. Facebook Live broadcasts rack up three times longer views than prerecorded videos. Livestreaming also extends far beyond entertainment purposes. In fact, organizations can access audiences across many diverse industries using live video. 

Example: Beauty influencer partnership through Facebook Live

Product endorsement is an easy win for beauty brands. Game of Thrones’ star and Clinique ambassador Emilia Clarke hosted “Get Ready with Emilia Clarke” last summer. It was the brand’s first celebrity livestreamed event. As Emilia talked about the Clinique products the products appeared on screen for viewers to click and buy. Many beauty influencers now demonstrate skincare routines on Facebook Live. Unboxing products and first impressions are also popular tactics on livestreaming platforms, especially TikTok. 

The power of the live influencer

Livestreaming content enhances your connection with consumers. Seventy percent of consumers who “feel a connection to a brand” will spend twice as much on products as the average customer. Live video content offers huge potential to increase brand awareness and purchase conversions. These days, your audience is at home more often — and more tuned in than ever. There's no better time to embrace livestreaming

Remember, livestreaming isn't new. It's not like a brand-new games console that needs to break a few times before you decide to invest in a good one. Influencers have already mastered livestreaming by making mistakes (and learning from them). Influencers know how to leverage the power of live video content — and brands have the opportunity to harness that same power.

Want to find out about the most streamlined, customizable influencer marketing platform around? Contact us for a demo here.